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Isaac Asimov, Harlan Ellison, Mark Zug: I, Robot (1971)

192 pages

Published May 4, 1971

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4 stars (3 reviews)

I, Robot is a fixup novel of science fiction short stories or essays by American writer Isaac Asimov. The stories originally appeared in the American magazines Super Science Stories and Astounding Science Fiction between 1940 and 1950 and were then compiled into a book for stand-alone publication by Gnome Press in 1950, in an initial edition of 5,000 copies. The stories are woven together by a framing narrative in which the fictional Dr. Susan Calvin tells each story to a reporter (who serves as the narrator) in the 21st century. Although the stories can be read separately, they share a theme of the interaction of humans, robots, and morality, and when combined they tell a larger story of Asimov's fictional history of robotics.

Contains: "Introduction" (the initial portion of the framing story or linking text) "Robbie" (1940, 1950) "Runaround" (1942) "Reason" (1941) "Catch That Rabbit" (1944) "Liar!" (1941) "Little Lost …

82 editions

reviewed I, Robot by Isaac Asimov (Robot (1))

In Asimov’s work, we see what we know. How many gems are still uncovered?

5 stars

The topics in this book that were outstanding for me were parental neglect and bullying children into what parents feel they should do rather than letting them live and experiment. Crushing the psyche. It’s quite cute how psychologic story is also the origin of the psychologist career, good rhyme there.

But time proved Mrs. Weston a bit too optimistic. To be sure, Gloria ceased crying, but she ceased smiling, too, and the passing days found her ever more silent and shadowy. Gradually, her attitude of passive unhappiness wore Mrs. Weston down and all that kept her from yielding was the impossibility of admitting defeat to her husband. Asimov on parental priorities. Very accurate!

Then, I don’t know how popular were wild conspiracy theories in the 40s, but I loved the vignette where one of the experimental roboticists are working with a religious robots:

Powell’s fingers were in his mustache and …

Interessant über die Anfänge der Roboter zu lesen, aber nur mäßig spannend

4 stars

Das Buch beschäftigt sich in mehreren voneinander Unabhängigen Erzählungen mit der Entwicklung von Robotern und insbesondere mit den Widersprüchlichkeiten, die aus den drei Gesetzen der Robotik entstehen.

Als Ergänzung zu den Foundation Romanen interessant, bleibt es aber qualitativ hinter ihnen zurück.

Review of 'Yo, robot' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Colección de relatos cortos en los que Asimov plantea las tres leyes de la robótica. Escritos en los 50, se nota de forma perceptible el paso del tiempo por ellos. Sin embargo, su importancia para el resto del universo, la concepción social que supuso de los Robots, las leyes y que los relatos están basados en la psicología y aspectos sociales de los robots, lo hacen un imprescindible (y origen) del universo de Asimov.